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Associate Professor, Master’s Supervisor

Zhifeng Wang

Associate Professor, Master’s Supervisor

Department of Digital Media Technology, CCNU-UOW Joint Institute

Central China Normal University

Office: Room N7018



General Information

Joint Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science, 2013

Ph.D., South China University of Technology, 2013

M.S., South China University of Technology, 2009

B.S., China University of Geosciences, 2008

Research Interests

Deep Learning and Data Mining

Computer Vision and Video Processing

Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Graph

Speech Processing and Understanding

Ongoing Research Projects

1. Research on Digital Audio Forensics Technology for Digital Media Copyright Protection (No: 2017CFB683), Natural Science Foundation of Hubei. 2018/1~2020/12, Host: Zhifeng Wang.

2. Large Scale Online Learning Community Learning Analysis and Empirical Research Based on Big Data Mining, The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities. 2020/1~2021/12, Host: Zhifeng Wang.

3. Research on Key Technologies of Digital Audio Passive Forensics, National Natural Science Foundation of China. 2016/01-2020/12, Host: Zhifeng Wang.

4. Study on Learning Monitoring and Intervention Mechanism for Large Online Learning Community. Open Fund of Hubei Research Center for Educational Informationization. 2020/1~2021/12, Host: Zhifeng Wang.

Published Journal Papers in the Past 3 Years:

1. Chunyan Zeng, Dongliang Zhu, Zhifeng Wang* (2020), "An end-to-end deep source recording device identification system for Web media forensics", International Journal of Web Information Systems.

2. Zhifeng Wang*, Jian Zhan, Chunyan Zeng (2020), "A Survey of Passive Forensics of Digital Audio Sources", Computer Engineering and Application.

3. Chunyan Zeng, Chaofeng Ma, Zhifeng Wang* (2020)"Robust Speaker Recognition Method Based on Convolutional Neural Network", Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

4. Chunyan Zeng, Chaofeng Ma, Zhifeng Wang* (2020)" A Survey of Speaker Recognition in the Framework of Deep Learning", Computer Engineering and Application.

5. Zhifeng Wang*, Rong Zhao(2019)" Interactive Discourse Analysis Based on the Forum Text Mining in Cloud Classroom".International Journal of Information and Education Technology.

6. Chunyan Zeng, Jiaxiang Ye, Zhifeng Wang* (2019)" Overview of Compressed Sensing Reconstruction Algorithms in Deep Learning Framework", Computer Engineering and Application.

7. Chunyan Zeng, Zhifeng Wang* (2019)" Review of Passive Detection of Digital Audio Tampering", Computer Engineering and Application.

8. Zhifeng Wang*, Lin Zhu (2018)" Review of Digital Image Compression Detection", Computer Science.

9. Qiusha Min, Zhifeng Wang, Neng Liu (2018)" An Evaluation of HTML5 and WebGL for Medical Imaging Applications", Journal of Healthcare Engineering.

10. Qiusha Min, Zhifeng Wang, Neng Liu (2018)"Integrating a Cloud Learning Environment into English-medium Instruction to Enhance non-native English-speaking Students' Learning",  Innovations in Education and Teaching International.

11. Junmin Ye, Qiang Wang, Zhifeng Wang* (2018)"Research of Recommendation Algorithm Based on Q&A Forum of Online Learning", International Journal of Learning and Teaching.

12. Yuan Tian, Xuefan Wang, Huang Yao, Jia Chen, Zhifeng Wang (2018) "Occlusion Handling Using Moving Volume and Ray Casting Techniques for Augmented Reality Systems",  Multimedia Tools and Applications.

13. Di Chen, Yanjun Dai, Zhifeng Wang* (2017)" A Survey of Forum Topic Mining", Computer Engineering and Application.

14. Zhifeng Wang, Chunyan Zeng, Mingzhang Zuo (2017)" Analysis of Learning Behavior in a Blended Learning Environment",International Journal of Modern Education Forum.

15. Daxiong Luo, Junmin Ye, Zhifeng Wang* (2017)" Design and Implementation of Online Test System Based on Study Analysis", International Journal of Modern Education Forum.


Cinque Terre

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