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Fenghui Ren

Fenghui Ren

Name : Fenghui Ren


Education: PhD, University of Wollongong, Australia

Current position: Lecturer

Post address: School of Computing and Information Technology,

University of Wollongong, Wollongong NSW 2522, Australia

Work phone: 61-02-42214276




.  Complex System Modeling and Simulation,  Smart Grid, Smart City, Transportation System Mod- eling, Decision-Support System, Self-Adaptive System, Social Norm and Social Choice, Distributed Constraint Optimization Problem,

. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent System, Agent Learning, Agent Negotiation, Agent Collabo- ration and Coordination, Agent-based Task Scheduling, Agent Modeling and Simulation, BDI Agent System


1. Lecturer Jan. 2017 - Now

Institute: School of Computing and Information Technology, University of Wollongong, Australia

2.  ARC DECRA Fellow and Lecturer Jan.  2014 - Dec.  2016

Institute: School of Computing and Information Technology, University of Wollongong, Australia

Project: An Adaptive and Intelligent SLA Negotiation System for Web-Based Service-Oriented Grid Com- puting (DE140100007)

3.  Research Fellow (ARC Linkage Project)               July 2013 - Dec. 2013

Institute: School of Computer Science and Software Engineering, University of Wollongong, Australia Project: Emergency Control of Catastrophic Disturbances in a Power System (LP0991428)

4. Vice Chancellors Postdoctoral Fellow July 2012 - June 2013

Institute: School of Computer Science and Software Engineering, University of Wollongong, Australia

Project: A Multi-Agent Solution for Smart Grid System Modelling,  Simulation,  and  Management  by Considering Distributed and Renewable Energy Resources and Local Power Storages

5. Research Fellow (ARC Linkage Project)                              July 2010 - June 2012

Institute: School of Computer Science and Software Engineering, University of Wollongong, Australia Project: Emergency Control of Catastrophic Disturbances in a Power System (LP0991428)



1. BAJC Baosteel Grant                                                                                                        2022-2023

Fund by: BAJC Baosteel

Total: AUD $50, 000

Project title: The Application of Autonomous Multi-Agent Technology in Intelligent Modelling, Optimiza- tion, Decision-Making and Simulation of the Steel Manufacture

Investigators: Fenghui Ren, Jun Yan, Zengxi Pan

2. Learning and Teaching Innovation Grant                                                          2022 - 2023

Fund by: University of Wollongong

Total: AUD $15, 000

Project title: Creating a Work-Integrated Learning and Interactive Assessment Repositor

Investigators: C Chow, J Yan, W Susilo, M Plumb, F Ren, E Vlahu-Gjorgievska, C Chen, Y Li

3. Australian Department of Defense                                                            2021 - 2022

Fund by: Australian Department of Defense

Total: AUD $36, 200

Project title: Adaptive Stochastic Game Planning: A Quantitative Verification Framework Investigators: G Su, F Ren, M Zhang

4. UIC International Links Scheme                                                            2019 - 2020

Fund by: University of Wollongong

Total: AUD $20, 000

Project title: Implementation of Collaborative PhD Program and the Research Collaborations with Central China Normal University Wollongong Joint Institute

Investigators: Fenghui Ren, Minjie Zhang, Qinghua Guo, Jiangtao Xi

5. BlueScope Project                                                                                         2019 - 2022

Fund by: BlueScope Ltd

Total: AUD $114, 000

Project title: Lysaght, Loading and logistic optimisation

Investigators: Zenxi Pan, Fenghui Ren, Larkin, N.

6. New Colombo Plan (NCP) Mobility Grants                                            2019 - 2022

Fund by: Australian Government

Total: AUD $66, 000

Project title: Cross Cultural Summer School - UOW and XIDIAN, BJTU, and CCNU Investigators: Willy Susilo, Jun Shen, Fenghui Ren,

7.  Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA)           2014 - 2016

Fund by: Australian Research Council (DE14010007)

Total: AUD $391, 947

Project title: An Adaptive and Intelligent SLA Negotiation System for Web-Based Service-Oriented Grid Computing

Investigators: Fenghui Ren

8. UIC International Links Scheme                                                2014 - 2015

Fund by: University of Wollongong

Total: AUD $75, 000

Project title: Strengthening Research and Education Collaboration with Dalian University of Technology (DUT) in China

Investigators: Minjie Zhang, Fenghui Ren


I had published over 90 peer-reviewed journal and international conference pa- pers.  My h-index is  16 with 1066 citations by Google Scholar and 13 with 678 citations by Scopus.

Ten Career-Best Research Outputs

1. F. Ren and M. Zhang, Bilateral single-issue negotiation model considering nonlinear utility and time constraint. Decision Support Systems, Vol.6, No.1, pp.29-38, 2014.

2.  F. Ren and M. Zhang, A single issue negotiation model for agents bargaining in dynamic electronic markets. Decision Support Systems, Vol.6, No.1, pp.55-67, 2014.

3. F. Ren, M. Zhang and D. Sutanto, A multi-agent solution to distribution system management by considering distributed generators. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,  Vol.28,  No.2, pp.1442- 1451, 2013.

4.  F. Ren, M. Zhang, D. Sutanto and X. Su, Conceptual design of a multi-agent system for interconnected power systems restoration. IEEE  Transactions on Power Systems, Vol.27, No.2, pp.732-740, 2012.

5. F.  Ren, M. Zhang and K.M. Sim, Adaptive conceding strategies for automated trading agents in dynamic, open markets. Decision Support Systems, Vol.46, No.3, pp.704-716, 2009.

6. Y. Chao, F. Ren, and M. Zhang, Collective learning for the emergence of social norms in networked multiagent systems. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, Vol.44, No.12, pp.2342-2355, 2014.

7. L. Niu, F. Ren, M. Zhang and Q. Bai, A Concurrent Multiple Negotiation Protocol Based on Colored Petri Nets. IEEE  Transactions on Cybernetics, Vol.47, No.11, pp.3692-3705, 2017.

8. X. Wang, F. Ren, and M. Zhang, Learning customer behaviors for effective load forecasting.  IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol.31, No.5, pp.938-951, 2019.

9. Y. Chao,  F.  Ren,  M.  Zhang and X.  Luo,  Emergence of social norms through collective learning in networked agent societies.   12th  International  Conference  on  Autonomous  Agents and  Multiagent Systems  (AAMAS) , Vol.1, pp.475-482, 2013.

10. X. Wang, F. Ren, and M. Zhang, A hybrid-learning based broker model for strategic power trading in smart grid markets. Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol.119, pp.142-151, 2017.



Details About My Publications

.  Edited


Books: 5 Edited Books in Springer, and Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering.

.  Book Chapters: 13 Book Chapters in Springers Book Chapters.


. Refereed Journal Articles: 17 Journal Articles in IEEE Transactions, Decision Support Systems, Con- currency Computation Practice and Experience, Multiagent and Grid Systems, Knowledge-Based Sys- tems, Web Intelligence and Agent Systems, and etc.


.  Conference Proceedings: 42 Conference Proceedings in Spring Lecture Notes In Artificial Intelligence, AAMAS, IJCAI, AAAI, PRICAI and etc.


.  Currently supervise 4 PhD students as the principal supervisor, 3 PhD students as the co-supervisor. .  Successfully complete 8 PhD students (4 as the principal supervisor)


. Jointly  organize international conferences  (ICA,  PRICAI Special Track,  PRIMA),  and workshops (SSMCS, ACAN, etc.)

.  Organize the joint annual research symposium with NITech (since 2018)

. Regularly review papers for conferences (AAMAS, IJCAI, PRICAI, AAAI, etc.)  and journals  (DSS, IEEE Trans. on PS, IEEE Trans. on SG, IEEE Trans. on Cybernetics, etc.)


.  SCIT Academic Program Director (APD) for Master of Computer Science at CCNU Joint Institute (2018-2023)

.  SCIT Academic Program Advisor (APA) for Master of Computer Science at SWS Campus (2017-2019) .  Coordinator of Joint PhD Program with Nagoya Institute of Technology (2018-2023)

.  SCIT Coordinators for HDR Student First Year Research Proposal Review (once per session), HDR Student Annual Workshop, and HDR Student Annual Poster Show (2017-2022)

.  SCIT Academic Integrity Officer (2018-2023)

. Member of EIS Faculty International Committee (2018-2023)

. Member of SCIT Education Committee (2018-2023)

.  Member of SCIT Research Committee (2017-2018)


Cinque Terre

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