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    JI keynote Lecture 2020-3

    时间: 2020-11-11 17:42:41  来源:   发布单位:   点击:


    About the lecturer:


    Dr. Markus Hagenbuchner   (Associate Professor at UoW)

    Teaching in 2020:

    · CSIT321: Project

    · CSCI319: Distributed Systems

    · ISIT200: Industry Placement

    · CSCI446: Big Data Analytics

    Research interests:

    · Over 20 years in AI and Machine Learning.

    · Development on new ML algorithms.

    · Applications to Data Mining and Big Data:

    - Intrusion detection.

    - Fraud detection in medical claims.

    - Web spam detection.

    - 5 minute ahead energy demand prediction (AEMC).

    - Radiotoxicity prediction from MRI.

    - Microbeam energy deposition prediction.


    Other roles:

    · Academic Program Coordinator (BIT)

    · Vice-chair of the International Association for Pattern Recognition

    · Reader of international standing for the Australian Research Council


    Topic of keynote lectures:

    Keynote lectures, two hours each, will be given online on 13/November/2020 at 8:30AM (Beijing time) and on 20/November/2020 at 8:30AM (Beijing time). The topics and content of the lectures are:


    1. Introduction and overview.

    2. Overview over some of the latest developments in AI.

    3. Some problems in AI (with focus on deep learning).

    4. A way ahead: Introduction to Fully Recursive Perceptron Networks.


    1. Introduction and overview.

    2. Topic and rest of content depends on feedback from students in the first lecture. Students can select a topic for this second lecture during a feedback session in the first lecture.

    Meeting Link

    The keynote lecture will be given online on Zoom. Six options are available to join the meeting:

    Password: 067757

               Meeting ID: 824 8730 6910


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