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    JI Keynote Lecture 2020-1

    时间: 2020-10-13 14:33:30  来源:   发布单位:   点击:

    Speaker: Associate Professor, Casey Chow

    Lecture Topic: GPU Computing

    Lecture Content:

         l What is GPU Computing 

    l A background of parallel computing 

    l An introduction to OpenCL 

    l Parallel patterns and examples 

    l The future of GPU computing

    Meeting Links:

    1. FRIDAY, 16 OCT 2020, 08:30-10:30 BEIJING TIME

    Link to Webex Event:

    Event number: 165 637 6726

    Event password: VmWBoSPvkPs5aw

    2. FRIDAY, 23 OCT 2020, 08:30-10:30 BEIJING TIME

    Link to Webex Event:

    Event number: 165 816 3543

    Event password: UHUUDa3WmgKqrg

    About the Speaker: Associate Professor Casey Chow received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Monash University, Australia. He is currently the Deputy Head of School for Teaching and Learning in the School of Computing and Information Technology, at the University of Wollongong, Australia. He is the Academic Program Director of the Bachelor of Computer Science, and the Academic Program Director of the UOWSIM programme in Singapore. As a member of the Institute of Cybersecurity and Cryptology, A/Prof. Chow’s main research interests include virtual reality, interactive real-time interfaces, multimedia security and cyber security. His work has been published in many international conferences and journals. He serves as a reviewer for several internationally renowned conferences and journals and is on the program committee of several conferences.

    Cinque Terre

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