JI Keynote Lecture 2021
Time : 14:00-16:00, May 13(Thursday) & 14:00-16:00, May 14 (Friday) , Beijing time
Meeting Link:
Topic: Minimum Variance Prediction and Control Based on Input/Output Models
Speaker: Dr. Zheng Li
Host by: Dr.Yann Berquin
Speakers Information:
Zheng Li received D.Eng. degree in electrical engineering from Northeastern University, Shenyang, China, in 1987. During 1987–1989, he was a Lecturer in Northeastern University, an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow during 1989–1991. He worked with University of Newcastle, University of Melbourne during 1991–1994. In 1994, he joined the University of Wollongong, where he is currently a Senior Lecturer. His current research interests include adaptive control, time-varying stochastic systems, motion control, teleoperation and x-by-wire systems.
Minimum variance control plays an important role in computer application in control engineering. Based on a minimum variance predictor it laid the foundation of computer control, parameter adaptive control and predictive control. These control methods have all seen wide industrial applications. This lecture covers analysis and design of the minimum variance predictor and controller. Transfer operators are used to replace Z transfer functions for the analysis and design in time domain. D-step-ahead predictors and controllers are first explained for deterministic systems followed by minimum variance predictors and controllers for stochastic systems.