Speech Signal Modeling and Processing: Fundamentals and Applications
Christian Ritz
Associate Dean (International), Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences
Professor, School of Electrical, Computer and Telecommunications Engineering
Speech technology applications are regularly used in everyday life, such as talking to friends on your mobile (cell) phone, sending a short voice message using WeChat or automatically translating spoken Chinese to English. Pat 1 of this Keynote lecture will introduce the fundamentals of speech signal processing that is used in these applications, including basic properties, the speech production system, speech perception and standard models such as Linear Prediction. It will then briefly introduce the basic components of some selected applications including speech coding. Part 2 will introduce the fundamentals and basic signal processing techniques for enhancing speech that is recorded in noisy environments as well as providing an overview of the main techniques for evaluating the performance of speech signal processing applications, such as speech quality measures, speech intelligibility measures and speech recognition accuracy. The lecture will conclude with an introduction to microphones and microphone arrays and their used within speech signal processing applications. This keynote lecture closely relates to topics that will be studied the subject Multimedia Signal Processing that can be chosen by Telecommunications Engineering students.
Christian graduated with a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering and a Bachelor of Mathematics (both in 1999) and a PhD in Electrical Engineering (in 2003) all from the University of Wollongong (UOW), Australia. His PhD research focused on very low bit rate coding of wideband speech signals. Since 2003, Christian has held a position within the School of Electrical, Computer and Telecommunications Engineering at UOW where he is currently a Professor. Concurrently, he is also the Associate Dean (International) for UOW’s Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences, with responsibility for managing the Faculty’s international strategy including significant transnational programs and partnerships in China, Hong Kong, Dubai, Singapore and Malaysia. Christian is the deputy director of the Centre for Signal and Information Processing (CSIP) and leads the audio, speech and acoustics signal processing research of the centre. He is actively involved in several projects, some funded from the Australian government and industry, including microphone array signal processing for the directional sound enhancement, acoustic scene classification, loudspeaker-based sound field reproduction and control and visual object classification using machine learning. He is currently a Distinguished Lecturer (2019 to 2020) of the Asia Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association (APSIPA). For more information see: https://scholars.uow.edu.au/display/christian_ritz
Meeting links
Part 1: Friday 27th November, 9:30 am to 11:30 am Wuhan time.
Zoom Meeting details: https://uow-au.zoom.us/j/83135152917?pwd=UUs4MTY1NGNnRjJ1V2VWYm9LUGEyUT09
Password: 674568
Part 2: Friday 4th December, 9 am to 11 am Wuhan time.
Zoom Meeting details: https://uow-au.zoom.us/j/84789594315?pwd=YUR0bEg2WHRLTUZ6Z0hCMjAwMG1TQT09
Password: 984927