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The International Summer School 2022 on Artificial Intelligence in Education was held at CCNU

时间: 2022-07-11 08:58:37  来源:   发布单位:   点击:

On July 8th, the two-week CCNU International Summer School 2022 on Artificial Intelligence in Education came to its end. Vice President of CCNU Professor Peng Shuangjie delivered a speech at the closing ceremony.

More than 50 students and faculty members attended the closing ceremony, including students from Russia, Australia, India, Thailand, Pakistan, Yemen, Uganda, Iraq and students from Beijing Normal University, Shaanxi Normal University, South China Normal University, as well as staffs and teachers from the Office of International Cooperation and Exchanges, the Faculty of Artificial Intelligence in Education and the CCNU-UOW Joint Institute, CCNU.

Two student representatives gave their speech at the ceremony. Mr. Zijian Wang, a postgraduate majoring in Engineering Management at the UOW, said that it was refreshing for him to know and explore the applications and future of AI in education. He thought that AI technology was advancing our teaching process and bringing greater well-being to human development. Miss Viktoriia Kurbatova, an undergraduate at Moscow State Pedagogical University, said that the summer school provided a platform for students from different countries and universities to exchange their ideas. They put their ideas into practice around AI in Education and gained a lot. She also encouraged everyone to bravely pursue their dreams, stay curious, ask questions, and broaden horizons to make the world a better place.

Vice President Peng Shuangjie expressed sincere thanks to all the experts and scholars who gave lectures at the summer school and the working teams of CCNU and UOW. He said that it was the first time that the International Summer School is accessible to our global partners, which made a good start. He also introduced that the two-week summer school included a variety of activities such as expert lectures, group project, virtually-toured around CCNU and UOW campus and cultural experience, reflecting the concept of drawing upon each other’s strengths and making progress altogether. He hopes that this unique learning experience will provide more possibilities for the students’ professional learning and add a bright color to their life journey.

At the closing ceremony, Dean of JI Professor Yu Xinguo briefly reviewed the programs of the Summer School. Professor Liu Sannyuya, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Artificial Intelligence in Education issued certificates of acknowledgement to the experts and program instructors, and the Deputy Director of the Office of International Cooperation and Exchange announced the list of successful participants of the Summer School.

The CCNU International Summer School 2022 on Artificial Intelligence in Education were jointly held by CCNU and UOW, lasting for two weeks starting from June 27th to July 8th. Students listened to the lectures given by famous professors and scholars from seven internationally renowned universities, including the University of Pennsylvania, George Mason University, University College London and Monash University. Students also experienced Chinese language, Chinese traditional culture and art such as Chinese paper-cutting and Tai Chi, and visited the campuses of CCNU and UOW online. In addition, under the guidance of our young teachers, students, divided into groups according to academic background and interests, carried out activities and gained practical experience in research.

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