Le Chung Tran

Current Positions
BEng(1st Hons, Highest Distinction), MEng (Highest Distinction), PhD, Humboldt(AvH) Fellow; Lecturer in Wireless Communications
Research Interests
Wireless communications, mobile communications, space-time (frequency) processing,antenna diversity techniques, MIMO systems and multi-user detection, channel propagation modeling, UWB, spread spectrum techniques and applications, OFDM and MB-OFDM, wireless sensor networks (WSNs), network coding, cooperative communications, wireless body area networks (WBANs), Software-Defined Radio.
Postdoctoral fellow at the University of Luebeck, Germany under the AvH research fellowship.
Key roles: undertaking scientific research projectsrelating to wireless communications (Ultra-Wideband (UWB), Space-Time-FrequencyCodes (STFCs), Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO)) and Digital Signal Processing(DSP).
Postdoctoral fellow at the Wireless Technologies Laboratory (WTL), Faculty of Informatics, UOW, Australia.
Key roles: undertaking ARC (Australian Research Council) and industrial projects relating to wireless communications(UWB, Block Spread OFDM, Multiband OFDM (MB-OFDM)) and DSP.
Member of the project led by Prof. Jennifer Sebbery (jenni@uow.edu.au) and Assoc. Prof.Tadeusz A. Wysocki (wysocki@uow.edu.au), UOW in the duration 2003-2005. Project's title ``Space-Time Block Codes Using Orthogonal, Amicable and GeneralDesigns". The project is funded by ARC Discovery-Grant.
Key roles: a teammember of the project investigating new structures of Complex Space-Time BlockCodes (STBCs) and their applications.
Part-time teaching academic at SECTE, UOW, Australia.
Key roles:teaching, marking, preparing and demonstrating laboratory experiments(Subjects: ECTE 196 - Internet Technology, 301 - Digital Signal Processing(DSP), 313 - Electronics, 392 - Wireless Internet, 401 - Fast Signal Processing Algorithms, and 901 - Fast Signal Processing Algorithms for Master course).
Lecturer at the Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications, University of Communication and Transport, Vietnam.
Key roles: teaching the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and final year undergraduates; supervising the final yearstudents, and doing researches.