Kwan-Wu Chin

Associate Professor, Ph.D. degree (Curtin University)
Research Interests
Wireless Networks
Resource Allocation
Performance modelling of Communication Networks
Dr.Kwan-Wu Chin is an Associate Professor at the University of Wollongong. Heobtained his Bachelor of Science with First Class Honours from the CurtinUniversity of Technology, Australia. He then pursued his PhD at the sameuniversity, where he graduated with distinction and the vice-chancellorscommendation. After obtaining his PhD, he joined Motorola Research Lab as asenior research engineer, where he developed zero configuration home networkingprotocols and designed new medium access control protocols for wireless sensornetworks and next generation bandwidth managers. In addition, he filed nine USpatents and won a major grant from DARPA. He was also a voting member of theIEEE 802.15.3 group. In 2004 he joined the University of Wollongong as a SeniorLecturer before being promoted to the rank of Associate Professor in 2011. Heis also the Head of Postgraduate Studies for the School of Electrical, Computerand Telecommunications Engineering, and the director of the ! W ireless TechnologiesLab (WTL). His current research areas include medium access control protocolsfor wireless networks, resource allocation algorithms/policies forcommunications networks, routing protocols, energy harvesting systems, wirelesssensor networks and Internet of Things. To date, he holds four US patents, andhas published more than 100 conference and journal articles.