Hoa Dam

Academic Qualifications
PhD in Computer Science - RMIT University, Australia
M.App.Sc. in Information Technology - RMIT University, Australia
Bachelor of Computer Science - University of Melbourne,Australia
Research Interests
Data-driven Software Engineering (e.g. applications of datamining and machine learning into software engineering)
Software Maintenance and Evolution
Change management & inconsistency management
Model-driven development and evolution
Agent-oriented software engineering
Service-oriented engineering
Business process management
Software architectures
Hoa Khanh Dam is Professor, Deputy Head of School (Research) & Head of Postgraduate Studies in the School of Computing and Information Technology, University of Wollongong (UOW) in Australia. He is Co-Director for the Decision System Lab at UOW.He holds PhD and Master degrees in Computer Science from RMIT University, and Bachelor of Computer Science degree from the University of Melbourne in Australia. His work has won multiple Best Paper Awards (at WICSA,APCCM, and ASWEC) and ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award (at MSR). His research has been published in the top venues in software engineering (ICSE,ASE, ICSM, ER, JSS), AI/intelligent agents (AAMAS, JAAMAS), and service-oriented computing (ICSOC, SCC, BPM). He served as Program Co-Chair for the International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems(PRIMA) in 2014 and is on the Senior Program Committee (PC) panel for this conference series. He has won the Best Senior Program Committee Member Award at PRIMA 2013. Other major international conferences and journals that he has been involved with include AAMAS (PC), ICSOC 2015 (Publication Chair and PC), ASWEC and EDOC 2015 (Publicity Chair), and Journal of Systems and Software and the Science of Computer Programming journal (expert reviewer). Prior to his academic career, he spent a number of years in the industry at various positions, including technical architect, project manager and software engineer.